During a siding replacement project, choosing the right color is important. It can help you bring out the best features of your home and take your exterior to the next level. There's no one way to choose the ideal siding color. If you're unsure of what to pick, look into...
If you live in a community governed by a homeowners' association (HOA), home renovations like siding replacement are not always easy to do. In today's post, we discuss the things you need to know about having your siding replaced without getting in trouble with your HOA. (more…)
The replacement of your home's siding is a significant financial expenditure. The perfect siding material protects your home's exterior while also adding value and aesthetic appeal when properly placed. Selecting a siding contractor that will execute the project appropriately and treat your home with respect and care, however, is necessary...
As with most of your home’s exterior components, your siding will need to be replaced at one point or another. When it comes to exterior home remodeling, many homeowners prefer getting a new deck or pool if they have a little extra money to spend - and this is understandable. After...
Your siding is one of the most prominent parts of your home. After all, it encompasses a significant amount of your home’s curb appeal, much like the windows and your roofing system. As such, it’s important to ensure that it’s in great condition all the time. However, there will come...